Places to go and things to do!
Planning - Always start with your handbook!
- Age appropriate
- Requirements
- Great Ideas that support advancement
Communication - Use these ideas to communicate and get the word out to your unit. There are many electrronic means of communication that you and your unit could use.
- Den Meetings
- Pack Website
- Check list for Scout
Maximizing the trip for achievements & advancement - Always refer to your handbook!
- Scout Days
- Nature Centers
- Community Organizations
What Den Leaders can do to coordinate Den outings
- Community organizations
- Local trails and parks
How to Guides
Get outside!
Westchester Magazine Best: Top Parks in Westchester
Greenwich Parks and Resources
Community locations to visit and or arange a tour. Many of these will meet advancement or award requirments.
- Town Hall
- Fire Station
- Police
- Highway
- Sewer Treatment Plant
- Recycling Facility
- Library
- Senior Living
- Animal Shelter
- Beach
- Food Pantry
- Bank (TD in Greenwich & Rye)
- Grocery Store (Whole Foods Market)
For Fun... Places to go with your unit and many will have Scout days!
- Pray Achievement Center
- Beardsley Zoo
- Bronx Zoo
- Westmoreland Sanctuary Nature Center
- Stamford Museum and Nature Center
- Seton Scout Resevation
- Alpine Scout Camp - Cub World
- Playland Park
- Soundtigers
- Rye Nature Center
- Intrepid Museum
- Liberty Science Center
- Maritime Aquarium
- Midieval Times Dinner Theater
- Westchester Knicks
- Downtown Cabaret Theater
- Marine Education Center
- Home Depot Kids Workshops
- Stonykill Environmental Center
- NYC Transit Museum
- Greenburg Nature Center
- Hanover Hilltop Farms
- Danbury Railway Museum
- Wolf Conservation Center
- The BSA's Scouting Resources Page has many links and direects you to multiple program oppurtunities
- Troop Program Resources
- Den Leader resources
- Cubmaster resources
- Scout Life Magazine
- Scouting Magazine