Seton Scout Reservation - Campmaster Corps

The campmaster corps is a group of selected, trained, and registered Scouters* who serve at Seton Scout Reservation whenever units are scheduled for camping at the council camp property.  

*Unit leaders may not serve as campmaster when their own unit is camping.

Campmasters are selected on the basis of their ability in several areas:

  • Outdoor skills & camping
  • Leadership skills
  • Ability to get along with people
  • Emergency preparedness / First Aid
  • Familiar with the Scouting Program

Duties include:

  • Checking in units and collecting fees
  • Checking out units and inspection of campsites and cabins (fires out, garbage removed, buildings tidy, heat turned down, etc)
  • Operating the camp Trading Post
  • Checking on units during their stay
  • Reporting to camp Ranger any issues that need attention (toilet paper, garbage liners, etc)

Campmasters select their own time and frequency of service, but they usually serve two to four weekends a year.

September - June
Check-in Friday 6:00pm
Check-out Sunday 12:00pm