The Greenwich Council Scoutreach program is committed to making sure that all young people have an opportunity to join Scouting, regardless of their circumstances, neighborhood, or ethnic background. ScoutReach centers around a well-defined program based on values, learning-by-doing, fun, and positive role models. Ethics and values within a group environment - discipline, respect, citizenship, self-image, ethical decisions -- are built in to most activities in a fun and enriching ways.
Our Scoutreach Cub Scout unit participates in weekly Pack meetings throughout the year. as well as monthly Council sponsored events. Meeings can include guest speakers from the community, various occupations; visits to police and/or fire stations, hospitals, parks; field trips to local attractions; athletic and cultural events; and overnight caming at Seton Scout Reservation. The program includes physical fitness activities, health/hygiene study, civic issues, citizenship, family values, laws/rules/regulations, our flag, other cultures and many more subjects that build self esteem and strong personal values.
Our Scoutreach Boy Scout unit meets weekly and participates in the traditional Scouting program with opportunities for advancement and recognition.
Scoutreach in Greenwich is funded by genreous donors and long-time supporters of the Scouting program. Driven by volunteers and Council professional staff, the program has been successful in offering our underserved youth the opportunity to grow and be productive and concerned citizens in our community.